Severe Lower Back Pain When Bending or Sitting

Most adults suffer from back pain at some point in their life. Although the pain may occur anywhere around the back, the most common area affected is the lower back. This is mainly because it carries most of the body weight. Notably, lower back pain can occur while standing or sitting for a prolonged period. You may also feel pain when there is an active spinal movement, especially when bending. So what are the causes of lower back pain? Increased Activity of the Trunk Muscles When the truck muscles are over-activated, you may experience sudden back pains. This mainly occurs when: Climbing up the stairs Standing up or sitting down Bending forward to pick or drop and Object The pain may be triggered by abnormal movement of muscles, in an effort to protect the spine. As a result, some muscles may be activated more than others, hence causing pain while performing specific tasks. Tumours or Cancer in the Sacrum In rare circumstances, tumours in the sacrum...