
Showing posts from September, 2019

Exercises Help Ease Arthritis & Stiffness

There are more than 40 million people in the US and 350 million worldwide who suffer from arthritis. Notably, the condition tends to spread evenly across all ages, irrespective of gender. In the past, arthritis often affected the seniors as they age past 60 years. However, the new trend in children and youth is worrying. With more than a quarter-million children affected, the war against arthritis is being waged to stop the spread. Although the disease can be treated using medications, there are different exercise programs that can help relieve fatigue and pain, while preserving joint function and structure. So what are the benefits of exercise? A tailored exercise program that includes a balance of strengthening training, endurance and range-of-motion – can prevent inflammation and protect your muscles and joints from any further damage. Below are some of the benefits of these exercises: Increase muscle strength and flexibility Maintain the bone strength Reduce pressure on...