Symptoms & Causes of Lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that often leads to total, or major damage to various body organs. Some of the most affected organs include the brain, lungs, and skin, to the heart. So what is autoimmunity? Autoimmunity is basically a situation where the body's immune system can't differentiate between the normal body cells and tissues from viruses, bacteria and germs. As a result, it generates and directs antibodies to fight everything, including healthy tissues, and hence the destruction of entire organs. What makes Lupus dangerous is that diagnosis is not as straightforward as with other diseases. This is because the symptoms of Lupus are very similar and commonly confused with those of other diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Notably, Lupus is not contagious, and patients can live and interact freely with their friends and family. Unfortunately, though, Lupus is incurable, but the right treatments can help reduce the pain and ...