Symptoms & Signs of Fibromyalgia

What are the main signs of fibromyalgia? When it comes to fibromyalgia , the most common symptom that people experience is pain. The main side effect is believe to occur because of an increased sensitivity when it comes to pain stimuli. Pain can be caused as well by a variety of situations. These could be changes in the weather, various noises, and even stress. However, pain can also pop up totally unrelated to outside events too. With this condition, pain characteristically will show up in physical areas of the body that include the chest, arms, upper back, shoulders, neck, and buttocks. Localized areas, called tender points, in the body might be tender when you touch them lightly as well. These are found in the hips, knees, shoulders, elbows, breastbone sides, and back of your head. What are other symptoms that are associated with having fibromyalgia? Being tired, having malaise, being fatigued Having poor quality or disturbances in your sle...