5 Tips for Getting Better Sleep With Arthritis

When it comes to getting a good night's sleep, it can be tough. The normal stresses of everyday living, blue light and screen time at night, staying up too late, not getting quality sleep, waking up too early, and more can all contribute to making a decent night of sleep difficult to achieve. Add into the sleep equation some arthritis pain , and you might end up finding that you are situated on the sleep equation's short end more often than you would like. Pain-Sleep Connection You may not know it (or maybe you do), but sleep and pain are actually closely connected. When you experience pain throughout the daytime, it can affect the quality of sleep that you get at night for the worse. A bad night of sleep can also have a relationship with the pain and even increase it the following day. In order to go into sleep mode, the body and the mind must be able to gradually calm down. That can be tough to accomplish when you're actively feeling pai...